5 Signs You Need To Dump Your Roommate

5 Signs You Need To Dump Your Roommate

Whether it’s your first apartment after college or just another on your list until you’re living on your own, your space needs to feel like your home. And while your stuff might make you feel comfortable, if your roommate is making you uneasy 24/7, you should probably reconsider whether the reasonable rent is worth the bullshit. Overall, if these signs seem all too familiar, it’s probably time you dump your roommate.

  • She Doesn’t Respect Your Stuff

Prepare for the obvious. There’s hardly anything worse than when your roommate doesn’t respect your stuff. If she leaves your fancy dishes unwashed in the sink, which leads to the God forbidden stains, she’s clearly not thinking about you when she commits said crime. If she breaks your stuff, that’s offense number two. And if she doesn’t tell you when something is wrong with your beloved stuff (especially if she’s the reason there’s something wrong with it), kick her to the curb.

  • She Leaves All Of The Cleaning For You

If I could rate your roommate leaving all of the cleaning for you to do all of the time on an annoyingness scale, I’d give it an 11 out of 10. Nobody wants to be a housewife if you’re not getting any of the *other* benefits. If your roommate is doing this to you, well, first of all, congrats because she thinks you’re responsible and clean. Second, consider how lazy and dirty she is. Do you really want to be living with someone like that? Hell. No.

  • She’s Constantly Raging

It’s fun to have parties sometimes. Who doesn’t love dressing up for a good shindig and seeing all of your friends? But when it’s 3 a.m. on a Wednesday and you’re trying to catch some Z’s because you have work in the morning and she has some inebriated pals over blaring music like they’re still in college, it can be pretty freaking obnoxious. She needs to grow up and learn to be more responsible, as well as more respectful of you, as a roommate. You’re probably acting as her roommate and her mother, and that’s more than you signed up for. It’s definitely time to jump ship.

  • She’s Always Negative

I believe in surrounding yourself with positive people, and that’s literally impossible if the person you’re living with is constantly bitchy. Not trying to sound like some kind of 1970s hippie, but she’s adding unnecessary negative vibes to your life that you just don’t need. Whether she’s putting you down, complaining about other people, or just saying weird shit that makes you uncomfortable, you don’t want to be in a situation that makes you feel like you’re living with Lord Voldemort. If you take a sigh of relief every time you leave your house just because you get away from her, there’s something deeply troubling with that.

  • She’s Not Financially Responsible

There’s something so comforting about living with someone who you just know will pay their entire share of bills. It’s great when you can find a roommate who will pay rent on time, split electricity and water bills, and all of the other unfortunate adult bills. But here’s the thing – as someone in your twenties, splitting bills can be easier said than done for some people. Maybe your roommate has never been on their own before and just doesn’t know how to be financially responsible because their parents always took care of this stuff for them before. Or maybe they just aren’t good at managing their own money. Regardless, money is a sensitive but extremely important subject and you can’t avoid the topic forever. If you’re constantly arguing about her not paying her fair share, some serious action needs to be taken.

Is there ever a wrong time to be happy in your own home? Nope. So if you’re not happy in yours due to your roommate, you should definitely wave goodbye to her… Or don’t. I’m sure Harry Potter and Voldemort living together would turn out just wonderfully. 


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