40 Reasons Kevin McCallister Is A Legend

40 Reasons Kevin McCallister Is A Legend
  1. He’s a child and can outsmart full-grown adults for days
  2. He decides to check into the Plaza Hotel of all hotels in New York, aka the “most luxurious” hotel in New York
  3. Pizza is basically a food group to him
  4. He washes all of his body parts and in between his bellybutton
  5. One of the largest toy store owners in New York decks out his hotel room with presents for free
  6. He’s not scared to say what is on his mind
  7. Mac n’ cheese is considered “nutritious” in his book
  8. He’d “rather kiss a toilet seat” than apologize for causing a scene
  9. Throwing around his rich dad’s credit card is NBD to him
  10. He’s not scared of people that other folks are creeped out by (the “Shovel Slayer” and bird lady)
  11. He stays in the same suite as Herbert Hoover (“the vacuum guy”)
  12. For a child, he literally couldn’t care less about a bedtime
  13. He watches and quotes mobster movies
  14. His game plan is literally called “Operation Ho Ho Ho”
  15. He’s not worried about how many times he could possibly kill Marv and Harry
  16. Kevin drinks soda out of champagne glasses
  17. He wasn’t scared to ask the pizza guy why he didn’t bring more cheese pizza
  18. Sledding down stairs seems totally normal to him
  19. He acts like eating a bunch of ice cream will get him drunk
  20. He’s convinced he has powers to make his family disappear
  21. Donald Trump casually gives him directions
  22. Christmas trees are mega important to him
  23. He knows that sweaters with big birds knitted on them are heinous
  24. Kevin has such a good conscious that he thinks accidentally taking a toothbrush makes him a criminal
  25. He lives in a bad-ass house
  26. All of his Christmas wishes come true
  27. He knows how to check into a hotel
  28. Of all places he could accidentally end up on a wrong flight, he ends up in New York City
  29. He jumps on the bed with shoes on
  30. His whole house is Christmas-themed (everything is green, red, and decorated)
  31. He just happens to end up with his dad’s wallet out of pure good luck
  32. Tarantulas don’t scare him
  33. He tends to try to hurt Marv and Harry in the nutsack
  34. TV is his life
  35. He’s not scared to trick adults to get what he wants/needs
  36. He jams out to Christmas music in the bathroom
  37. Shamelessly screaming in people’s faces is something he does often
  38. His form of transportation is a limo with a pizza
  39. The Grinch is his favorite Christmas movie
  40. The kid knows how to be on his own and take care of himself better than a lot of adults

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