New Years Traditions From Around The World

New Years Traditions From Around The World

Imagine this: It’s New Years Eve and you’re in Times Square watching the ball drop. You’ve already thrown some black-eyed peas down your throat for good luck. The countdown begins. 10! 9! 8! Your heart is pounding because you can’t wait for that special New Years kiss with your special somebody. 3! 2! 1! “HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!” Confetti bursts out of nowhere and fills what fills like the whole city. The kiss is everything you hoped for.

This is so many American’s dream way to spend New Year’s Eve. It’s what we know here as our traditions. But have you ever wondered what causes that kind of excitement in other countries? Let’s take a glance at what it would be like to partake in other countries’ traditions.

Germany: Germans enjoy eating Pfannekuchens, which are donuts filled with liquor. Two of the best things together in one? Umm, yes please. Sounds like a great way to kick off the year.

Denmark: It’s tradition in Denmark to smash plates on your neighbor’s doorsteps. No joke. The more broken pieces at your door, the more luck it brings you. Ahh, what better way to show neighborly love than by smashing dishware one someone’s doorstep?

Argentina: Wearing new pink underwear is supposed to bring love. Girls “love” new underwear.

Canada: A popular New Years Day tradition for Canadians is called the Polar Bear Swim, which involves people jumping into freezing waters. Beware of hypothermia. Otherwise, go for it.

Italy: St. Mark’s Square brings together a bunch of people for a mass kissing session. Spread the love.

Romania: Farmers actually try communicating with their animals on NYE. If successful, it’s believed they will have good luck the following year. Have fun with that, Wild Thornberry’s.

Belarus: Single women put a pile of corn in front of their feet and let a rooster decide which pile it wants to eat from. Whoever the chosen pile belongs to will be the next to get married. So basically the equivalent of a wedding bouquet toss, but with a rooster.

Russia: Write down a wish on a piece of paper, burn it, throw it into a champagne glass, and drink it before 12:01 to make your wish come true. You better chug because those ashes are going to taste disgusting the longer you take.

Estonia: People try to eat 7, 9, or 12 times throughout New Years Day because those are *lucky* numbers. Good thing I already eat that much.


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