Justin And Hailey Bieber Open Up About How Hard Their First Year Of Marriage Was

Justin And Hailey Bieber Open Up About How Hard Their First Year Of Marriage Was

Justin and Hailey Bieber are very open to sharing their love for one another all over social media and in public. However, becoming a newly married couple wasn’t all sunshine and daisies. According to an interview with GQ, Justin got very open about the first year of marriage. “The first year of marriage was really tough because there…was just lack of trust,” he explained. “There was all these things that you don’t want to admit to the person that you’re with, because it’s scary.”

Bieber admitted he spent a lot of his first year as a husband “on eggshells,” because he was scared of “scaring off” his wife with past traumas and personal demons. Eventually Bieber learned to trust Baldwin. Bieber explained that prior to getting with Baldwin he didn’t have stability, and she changed that for him. “My home life was unstable. Like, my home life was not existing,” he shared. “I didn’t have a significant other. I didn’t have someone to love. I didn’t have someone to pour into. But now I have that.”

The Biebers had a New York City courthouse wedding in September 2018. Bieber told GQ that he always felt marriage was his “calling.” Baldwin seems to feel the same way. In a April 2021 cover story with Elle, she shared what it was like to be a young bride and why it made sense for her. “We always knew that we were aligned on what we wanted in our future,” she said about Bieber. “We had talked about wanting to be married young and having a family young and building a life. Even before we knew we wanted to be with each other.”

Baldwin also admitted their marriage isn’t as perfect as it often seems in photos. “The thing is, marriage is very hard,” she shared with Vogue in a February 2019 interview. “That is the sentence you should lead with. It’s really effing hard.” She added marriage is “always going to be hard,” but her marriage with her husband is worth the work. “…there’s something beautiful about it anyway – about wanting to fight for something, commit to building with someone,” she said.

Their marriage is so beautiful and real.


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