21 Things We Should Learn To Do From French Culture

21 Things We Should Learn To Do From French Culture

There’s something so beautiful about learning about different cultures that just can’t be explained. It’s the way we all experience each day in different ways from different parts of the world. There’s so much to learn from other cultures, but not all can be mentioned. One specific culture that I’m particularly fascinated with (because I’m part French) is France. The French culture is romantic, formal, green, healthy, intellectual, and they know how to sit back and enjoy life. There’s a lot of habits we, Americans, should pick up from this particular culture. Here are just a few.

  • Kiss more often.
  • At least show more affection.
  • Incorporate sparkling water fountains around cities…for free.
  • Drink wine with alllll the meals. Well, not breakfast.
  • Actually go out and enjoy your work lunches instead of eating in the office.
  • This actually applies to all of your to-go meals, even coffee. Learn to sit and enjoy your meals.
  • Get PAID vacation (*gasp*!!!)
  • Air dry your clothes to save energy for the environment.
  • Take pride in each of your outfits and appearance instead of looking sloppy.
  • Go to college for a lot cheaper.
  • Take the extra step and go to each special stop for each special ingredient (i.e. cheese shop for cheese, meat shop for meat, bakery for bread, etc.). Maybe not all the time, but at least when you’re making a fine meal.
  • More emphasis on baked goods, please.
  • Go full eco and use reusable water bottles more often.
  • Always sit outside and enjoy the fresh air, even in the winter.
  • Keep minimal makeup your go-to.
  • Take shorter showers or use less water while in the shower by turning off the water when shampooing and conditioning.
  • Have lunch be your biggest meal, while breakfast and dinner are smaller meals.
  • Recycle. Recycle. Recycle. It’s kind of a big deal in French cities.
  • Debate with respect for the other person.
  • No dating apps. Instead, try *gasp* meeting people from social circles.
  • Take public transportation or walk more often than driving.

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