25 Reasons Why Your Sibling Should Be Your Best Friend

25 Reasons Why Your Sibling Should Be Your Best Friend

As you get older, there are less and less people who you can rely on. Nobody will always be there for you quite the way your sibling will be. It should not matter if the relationship is sister-sister, brother-brother, or sister-brother, a sibling is a sibling. They will love you no matter what. Sure, everyone needs friends. But here are reasons why your sibling should be your best friend.

  1. They’ve literally known you your whole life.
  2. No matter how much you fight, they will always love you and you can always fix your issues. You’re bound for life.
  3. You never have to worry about where you stand with them. There’s no questioning your friendship.
  4. You’ve seen each other at your best and your worst.
  5. They’ll be brutally honest with you, which is a trait to be admired. A lot of friends are too scared to tell you their honest opinion.
  6. And visa versa. You can tell them what you think without them getting mad at you for telling them your honest opinion.
  7. It’s socially acceptable to blow up their phone and annoy them.
  8. While friends have good memories of you, they have the best memories of you.
  9. They know exactly how you like to spend your holidays.
  10. And what to get you for presents on holidays that require them.
  11. When family problems occur, obviously there is nobody better to go to.
  12. Somehow, they just know how to put you in a better mood than anyone else on this planet.
  13. It’s never a contest to see if they love you more than they love another one of their friends.
  14. They’ll make you a priority, no matter who they are dating.
  15. You know when they say they’ll do something, they mean it.
  16. They totally understand your since of humor.
  17. Lying isn’t a trait you have to worry about in your relationship.
  18. Or being fake.
  19. You have the most fun when you’re with your sibling since it’s pretty much always stress-free.
  20. Your sibling won’t judge you no matter what you do.
  21. They’ll never forget your birthday.
  22. And when it is your birthday, they’ll be genuinely so excited for it.
  23. If you have health issues, who are you going to feel more comfortable talking about it with? Someone you’ve known your whole life or someone you’ve only known part of your life?
  24. You can be so, so weird around them, and they won’t think anything of it.
  25. If you need them, they’ll be there for you. No questions about it.

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