Friends hosted some pretty huge guest stars over the years, from Brad Pitt to Julia Roberts. It was pretty much assumed all of them were ecstatic to be on such a cool show. However, according to Jennifer Aniston, one guest star acted like they were “above” it and “shit on” the sitcom.
While on The Howard Stern Show, Aniston shared that the guest star appeared on the first season of Friends and had an “attitude” about the whole thing.
“It was as if they were just too ‘above’ this, to be on a sitcom,” the actress explained. “And I remember when we were doing a network run-through, the network and the producers would just laugh. And this person would be like, ‘Listen to them, just laughing at their own jokes. So stupid, not even funny.’
“It was just like, ‘What are you doing here? Your attitude, this is not what we’re all about,” she continued. “This is a wonderful, warm place to be, and you’re coming into our home and just shit on it.”
Although she declined to name the person involved, she added that they have since apologized to her for their behavior.
“[They ended up] apologizing about their behavior years later,” she said. “He just said, ‘I was so nervous, to be honest, that I wasn’t on my best behavior.'”
Clearly jealousy runs amok with this person. They were just jealous they were not one of the original `Friends`.