13 AIM Convos Every Girl Totally Had

13 AIM Convos Every Girl Totally Had

I’ll start: my username was something like frenchfrygirl27. Yes, I named myself after food. What of it??? The ’90s and early ’00s were a simpler time. We wore Smackers lip balm and jelly sandals and lived off of sugar (Baby Bottle Pops and Fun Dip anyone??). As a kid of the ’90s, I forever miss the simple things that made me so happy like previously mentioned. However, not many things can make me as nostalgic and laugh quite the way AIM can.

Logging onto AOL Instant Messenger was every ’90s girl’s favorite way to communicate, if we weren’t already with our friends at Claire’s of course. And we all had the same AIM chats…you know the ones. So low and behold, here are the convos every girl had over AIM.

  1. “Do you like me?”

You just had to have this conversation in order to know how Sk8rking69 really felt about you. What you two had was special.

2. The “How well do you know me?” quiz

Nothing says preteen narcissism quite like sharing a “How well do you know me?” quiz with complete strangers.


If the convo didn’t include at least one “LOL” or “ROFL”, it was a waste of time.

4. “Oh whoops, that was my sister/brother saying all of that.”

*Was not your sister/brother*

5. “What lyric should be my away message?”

It was a given that you had to have THE perfect song lyric that described your personality and exactly what was going on in your life. So much pressure here.

6. Emoji Craze

Back then, we didn’t know how to control ourselves with emojis. Now there are so many emojis with different meanings it’s sometimes overwhelming. But in the AIM days, it was simpler and we just let ourselves have at it.

7. “What are we doing today?”

As long as your mom could give you a ride in her minivan, this was your form of making plans.

8. “What did she say about me?!”

Ahh. Shit talking other girls and gossiping was a primary use of AIM for girls. It was a great way to chat with multiple friends at once and utilize our need to gossip.

9. “Do you have the answers to the homework?”

What an easy way to help one another finish homework. Sharing (answers) is caring.

10. “We need to talk”

Basically, the same as a break-up text message.

11. “Should I wear X with Y to school tomorrow?”

AIM was a quick way to get feedback on your fashion choices so you didn’t show up to school looking like a hot mess (even though you still did).

12. “My parents are the WOOOOORST”

We couldn’t think of a better place to complain about our parents. They were “ruining our lives”, so we had to spend hours talking about it.

13. “Wazzup?!” And no follow up

Ugh. This was the worst. You’d get so excited when your crush would IM you “wazzup?!”, but then you’d be bummed out when they left you hanging with no follow up. I guess you should’ve put something more exciting than “nm, u?”.

Aaaaand…. away message inserted here (probably brought to you by Hilary Duff lyrics).


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