As far as first dates go, you can’t necessarily write off someone just because of one bad thing you noticed. However, there are certain non-negotiables to look out for on the first date. Time is sacred. So if you notice one of these red flags during date number one, maybe it will be best to let the date be a one-and-done.
Constantly checking their phone
Sure, things come up. It’s normal to take a glance at your phone every once and a while. But the polite thing to do is to keep your phone tucked away. Anything more than the occasional check is just plain rude.
Flirting with someone else
Extremely sleazy, but it happens. Just call a ride home and never see them again.
Talking about an ex
If they’re talking for their ex for longer than a minute, it’s a minute too long. That pretty much means they’re not over them. And if they keep circling back to their last relationship, that shows they aren’t ready to enter a new one.
Gets wasted
Unless this was what you were planning on, this is probably not the best look and definitely not the situation you want to be in for a first date. It’s best to pace yourself when it comes to beverages on a first date.
Have bad manners
Smacking, impolite to the staff, incredibly loud, etc… It just shows how tiring your whole relationship would be.
Orders for you
Some people are into this kind of thing. If you discuss the menu and options together and say “you pick” or “I’m fine with anything”, then there are no red flags. But if your date just goes ahead and orders for you without asking what you like, that’s of major concern. Who do they think they are??
Talking about their social media following
It’s unnecessary and tacky. Just make sure you aren’t doing it either.
Make you pay the entire bill
It’s okay to pay your part of the bill if you offer. But asking you to pay for all of it? SOS.
Doesn’t let you get a word in
If they’re hogging the conversation, there’s something wrong. Why are they not letting you get a peep in? How annoying.
If you notice one of these red flags, just say “check please!” and don’t waste any more time.