25 Lessons We Can Learn From Our Dogs

25 Lessons We Can Learn From Our Dogs

Every dog lover can agree that there’s a lot we can learn from them. Dogs are amazing animals and pets. But what dogs don’t get enough credit for is that they’re also good teachers to us. So here are a few lessons that we can learn from our favorite furry friends.

  1. Be a good friend.
  2. There really is always room for dessert.
  3. Sometimes all you need in life is to take a walk.
  4. Appreciate the small things.
  5. Protect those you love.
  6. You can never have enough friends.
  7. Be brave.
  8. Cuddling is better when it’s with someone you care about.
  9. Life is short. Take up the whole bed.
  10. Be persistent. Eventually if you keep going after what you want (i.e. begging), you’ll get it. Don’t give up.
  11. You should always show enthusiasm when greeting your loved ones when you’ve been apart from them for some time.
  12. Loyalty goes a long way.
  13. Be a good listener.
  14. Have a few tricks up your sleeve to impress people with.
  15. Growl at anyone who tries messing with you. They’ll back off.
  16. Drying off is very critical after bathing.
  17. Make the most of the outdoors.
  18. Chill out.
  19. The right sad face can get you just about anything you want.
  20. Forgive and never hold a grudge.
  21. Never get too old to play.
  22. Car rides can be exciting if you let them.
  23. Don’t be mean to the doctor/vet. They’re only trying to help.
  24. Never worry about being judged or looking funny.
  25. Enjoy life.

Dogs, the ultimate life teacher. Who knew?


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