Starbucks Is Speculating The Idea Of Cashierless Stores With Help From Amazon

Starbucks Is Speculating The Idea Of Cashierless Stores With Help From Amazon

Starbucks has been talking with Amazon lately to make cashierless coffee shops, with Amazon’s “Just Walk Out” technology.

The document, however, first reported by Business Insider, says the partnership is not yet guaranteed. According to Insider’s Eugene Kim, the layout “shows Amazon Go’s food section within a cafe that has a lounge seating area.”

“Customers would have to use separate apps for pay – Starbucks’s app for drinks and Amazon’s app for food – though the companies eventually would want to build and integrated solution,” Kim continued. “The store was expected to have a newly created brand.”

The talks show Amazon wanting to take the “Just Walk Out” technology beyond its own stores and into other third-party executions. Starbucks’ interest showed that the idea could have an impact for both retailers and venues, with Starbucks considering it a “top ten initiative.” This also supported Starbucks’ goal of getting rid of lines.

Amazon Go began “Just Walk Out” in 2018. It allows customers to scan a code or their palm as they first walk in and then take items from the shelf, enabling them to leave without needing to checkout. The scales, cameras, and sensors in the store are used to charge their accounts as they leave.

Although it may be some time before this idea happens (if at all), fingers crossed it happens at all!


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