46 Best ‘Harry Potter’ Moments To Celebrate The Franchise’s 20th Anniversary

46 Best ‘Harry Potter’ Moments To Celebrate The Franchise’s 20th Anniversary

Harry Potter is the best franchise of all time. There, it’s been said. Today marks the 20th anniversary since the first Harry Potter movie was released. So, in honor of the great films, here are 46 of the best moments captured in the movies (because today is a movie anniversary, obvi).

  • “Yer a wizard Harry”
  • When Harry frees Dobby with a sock.
Harry Potter Package GIF
  • That time Harry blows up Aunt Marge and then runs away.
  • Harry risking his life to save Malfoy.
  • Snape giving Harry his tears/memories as he lays dying and Harry finding out the truth after all those years.
severus snape rip GIF
  • Dumbledore fighting Voldemort in the ministry.
  • When Hermione entered the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum.
harry potter yule ball GIF by emibob
  • When the trio take Polyjuice Potion.
  • Mrs. Weasley destroying Bellatrix after Bellatrix came after Ginny.
harry potter magic GIF
  • Hagrid giving Dudley a pig’s tail.
  • When Fred and George give it all up in a blaze of glory and quit school, throwing fireworks and zooming out of the castle.
  • The whole Knight Bus ride.
  • Dobby saving the day at Malfoy Manor.
Harry Potter Wtf GIF by Sky
  • Malfoy covering up for Harry when asked to turn him into Voldemort.
  • McGonagall fighting Snape at the Battle of Hogwarts.
severus snape professor mcgonagall GIF
  • Neville killing Nagini.
  • Hermione punching Draco.
Harry Potter Yes GIF by Sky
  • Ron saying Hermione’s name in the hospital wing.
  • Harry killing the basilisk.
  • Neville standing up to Harry, Ron, and Hermione when they try to sneak out at night.
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  • When Umbridge is driven out of Hogwarts and Harry says, ” Sorry, Professor. I must not tell lies.”
  • Harry on liquid luck.
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  • Dumbledore saying it was all his idea to start Dumbledore’s Army.
  • The awkward Voldemort-Draco hug when Draco walks over to the Death Eaters side at the Battle of Hogwarts.
awkward everyone GIF
  • When Harry shows up to Slughorn’s party with Luna.
  • Lockhart making Harry lose all the bones in his arm.
harry potter news GIF
  • The heroic moment when Harry casted his patronus to save himself and Sirius.
  • Draco throwing the Remembrall, which Harry caught and it instantly landed him a spot on the Quidditch team.
  • After some first hesitation, Harry flying on Buckbeak.
Flying Harry Potter GIF by The Story Room
  • Dumbledore completely OWNING the cave
  • Hagrid showing up with Hedwig for Harry’s birthday present.
  • When Sirius reveals himself, Scabbers turns out to be Wormtail, and Harry attacks Snape all within a few minutes.
Harry Potter Reaction GIF
  • Each time Harry looked into the Mirror of Erised and saw his parents.
  • And then when he went to fight Voldemort/Professor Quirrell and saw the Sorcerer’s Stone in the mirror.
  • Ron and Harry flying the Ford Anglia.
Sad Harry Potter GIF
  • Harry saving Ron’s life after he was poisoned.
  • Dumbledore standing up to Umbridge and sending Professor Trelawney back inside.
  • Professor Moody turning Malfoy into a weasel.
Harry Potter Lol GIF by Sky
  • When Harry, Ron and Hermione break into Gringotts and ride off on a dragon.
  • Page 394.
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  • Neville’s speech at the Battle of Hogwarts.
  • When Harry catches the snitch in his mouth.
  • Harry getting sorted into Gryffindor
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  • Ron dancing with McGonagall.
  • And then McGonagall’s reaction to Ron’s attire at the Yule Ball.
  • Harry finally defeating Voldemort.
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Battle GIF


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