25 Mindful Ways To Kick Off The New Year

25 Mindful Ways To Kick Off The New Year

We’ve all said it before: “THIS year is going to be MY year!” But of course, there are always setbacks. Not knowing what the new year holds can be intimidating. Life goes on no matter what day it is. It’s important that we celebrate each day and compile our gratitude, hoping for better in this new year. If you don’t know where to begin, here are some mindful ways to start your life in 2022.

  1. Add plants to your home
  2. Make time for walks
  3. Update your bedding
  4. Get an air purifier
  5. Boost your collagen
  6. Eat more fiber
  7. Journal for at least five minutes per day
  8. Start jumping rope
  9. Do something risky
  10. Stop scrolling before bed, read instead
  11. Try switching coffee for matcha
  12. Hit the sauna
  13. Do daily affirmations
  14. Hydrate more
  15. Workout your face
  16. Meditate
  17. Begin food prepping
  18. Self-indulge occasionally
  19. Find a new hobby
  20. Start composting
  21. Plan self-care dates with friends
  22. Exfoliate often
  23. Dry brush
  24. Go to bed earlier
  25. Spend more time getting fresh air
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