10 Tips To Be A Better Girlfriend

10 Tips To Be A Better Girlfriend

Dating is difficult. It doesn’t come with a manual, and rom-coms aren’t always realistic. To help keep you happy and thriving in your relationship, we’ve outlined a few tips on how be a better girlfriend.

  1. Do be friends with their friends

While you don’t have to immediately be BFFs with their friends, it is important to show that you can respect and enjoy being around the people your partner cares about. Don’t overdo yourself trying to impress them. If they don’t like you, it’s their loss. Treat them like you would any new friends by being nice, asking genuine questions, and hanging out with an open mind.

2. Don’t snoop behind their back

This should be obvious, but people do it all the time. Trust is the most important thing in a good relationship. Breaking this rule will betray that connection. Boundaries are so essential, and how would you like it if they went behind your back and read your messages?

3. Make time to discuss uneasy feelings

If you’re feeling concerned for some reason, like they’re being dishonest or something, talk to them about it! Tell them how you feel instead of immediately assuming the worst. Lack of communication is a relationship killer. Talking and listening to each other will only improve your relationship in the end. If they can’t respect and listen to your concerns, it might be time to cut the cord.

4. Give each other space

Distance makes the heart grow fonder, so a few nights apart give you an emotional rest. Make plans to hang out with your friends without your partner. You’ll have fun stories to tell next time you see each other, too.

5. Compliment their appearance

No matter how long you’ve been dating, you should still tell your bae when they look FIRE. Let them know your attraction hasn’t faded and expect them to return the favor.

6. Don’t forget to compliment the other stuff, also

Perhaps your sweetie accomplished they have been working on forever that took tons of inner strength and vulnerability. Acknowledge their hard work and let them know how you see them shining. Supporting each other’s goals is so important!

7. Find simple ways to show you care

Rather than getting caught up in superficial things, show you appreciate your partner with simple things from the heart. Surprise them with pizza the night their favorite show comes back on Netflix or plan a Saturday morning workout and homemade brunch sesh together. Just little things to show you are listening and thinking about them.

Do remember: there’s a difference between enjoying low-key nights and them only wanting to hook-up at home. You’re a girlfriend – not a ghost. If your *boo* doesn’t want to go out in public, that’s super sketchy.

8. Don’t try to shower each other in expensive gifts

Love isn’t always about buying each other fancy gifts. And setting a standard with expensive date nights can make you both feel pressured to spend money that you should be saving for later in life.

9. Show up for each other

You both have to put in some work in the relationship. Sometimes being a good girlfriend means doing stuff you don’t want to do. Whether it’s hanging out with parents you don’t like, going to football games (when you hate football), or having tough conversations, it’s not all going to be sunshines and daisies.

10. Don’t make the relationship all about them

Yes, you want to be a good girlfriend. But you deserve them to be a good partner back to you. You should put in the work to care for their needs, but you have to take care of yourself, too. Otherwise, you’ll become burnt out and resentful of your bae. The relationship needs to be equal. If they can’t respect that (or you), wave bye-bye.


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