5 Signs You’re In A Toxic Friendship

5 Signs You’re In A Toxic Friendship

Friends should be a family outside of our family, but that’s not always the case. Friendship can be hard: it’s work. Unlike family, friends come and go. Family will always be there for you, friends…. not always guaranteed. According to a Whitehall II study, where more than 10,000 people were followed for over 12 years, there is a very close link between toxic relationships, stress, and health. So how do you know if you’re in a toxic friendship? Scroll down to find some hints that you may be in a toxic friendship.

  1. They Gossip A LOT

If your friend always has the hot gossip on everyone, chances are they gossip behind your back too. The biggest mistake you can make is assuming they aren’t gossiping about you too because you’re friends. The last thing you need is your secrets and stories being told to everyone, so maybe it’s time to end it with the one who thinks they’re the IRL Gossip Girl.

2. They Only Call You When They’re Down

Everyone knows someone who likes to reach out when things are down. This type of friend doesn’t reach out when things are all fun and games, but instead when they need to let off some steam. They might call you for a favor or simply because they know that you’ll always respond.

3. They’re Literally Obsessed With You

Friends showing even the smallest amount of jealousy is a big red flag. They typically require you to be available 100% of the time and get angry if you mention or decide to meet up with other friends. These friends have to know every single detail about when you weren’t together and might even go to extremes such as searching through your phone. If this was a romantic relationship, you’d be out already (hopefully), so why not do the same with this friend?

4. They Always Talk About Themselves

These friends are incredibly narcissistic by nature and love the sound of their own voice. They’ll ask you, “How are you?” just so they can get it over with and then begin talking about their own lives. They’ll go on and on in their endless monologues, and God forbid you dare to speak, they won’t let you finish your sentence.

5. You Are EXHAUSTED After Seeing Them

If you feel like someone sucked the actual life and all of your energy out of you, there’s something wrong. This friend is a Vampire, of sorts. They breathe our air and drain our positive energy (rather than our blood). It’s easy to recognize this friend by the way you feel after seeing them. You basically just feel exhausted and overwhelmed by the end of your hangout.

Just like any relationship, a toxic friendship is one you need to end as soon as you recognize the signs. It’s for your own wellbeing and overall happiness. It’s not like they’ll be much of a loss.


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