33 Simple Ways To Help Take Care Of The Environment

33 Simple Ways To Help Take Care Of The Environment

Earth Day is coming up and it’s about time we acknowledge the simple things we can do to help better our planet. Little by little, each day small ecological efforts can really add up. They can be very easy to do too! You just have to integrate them into your daily habits. Here are a few little green tips to adopt as soon as possible in order to help preserve this planet.

  1. Walk, bike, or take public transportation instead of driving.
  2. Eat organically.
  3. And preferably, eat locally.
  4. Try to support fashion designers and brands that are eco-friendly to your wardrobe.
  5. Maybe even try vintage clothing and thrift stores.
  6. Invest in solar panels if you get the chance.
  7. Turn off water when you’re shampooing/conditioning.
  8. Avoid taking hour-long baths every single night.
  9. Turn off the lights as soon as you leave a room.
  10. Invest in energy-saving appliances.
  11. Sort your waste.
  12. Actually recycle.
  13. Limit your plastic consumption.
  14. Perhaps do this by using cotton bags, glass jars and reusable paper bags for shopping.
  15. Open windows instead of using air conditioning.
  16. Limit printing paper at work as much as possible.
  17. Replace disposable cotton balls/swabs in the bathroom with with washable and reusable wipes.
  18. Buy a juicer and make your own juice to cut down on plastic.
  19. Wash your clothes on cold or warm water instead of hot.
  20. Turn your computer off instead of leaving it on standby.
  21. Avoid chemical substances that can pollute our planet and opt for organic skincare and haircare instead.
  22. Purchase a reusable water bottle to drink out of through out the day .
  23. Learn to compost.
  24. Limit your meat intake.
  25. Go digital.
  26. Bring your own lunch to work.
  27. Open the curtains and use natural lighting instead of turning on the lights.
  28. Unplug electronics when they are not being used.
  29. Use a clothing line to dry clothes instead of a dryer.
  30. Plant a tree.
  31. Buy products in bulk.
  32. Instead of throwing away old items that you no longer need, have a garage sale or donate them.
  33. Set the thermostats to appropriate temperatures.
Earth Environment GIF by Bhumi Pednekar

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