In Memory Of Dustin Diamond’s Passing, Here Are 5 Best Screech Moments

In Memory Of Dustin Diamond’s Passing, Here Are 5 Best Screech Moments

If you loved Saved by the Bell, it’s with a heavy heart to hear that on Monday, Feb. 1 Dustin Diamond, AKA Screech, passed away. The actor was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer and in less than three weeks he died from the disease. Diamond was only 44-years-old.

But, if there’s one thing we know for sure it’s that Screech wouldn’t want us to stay in the dumps for too long. He was such an upbeat character, and we should try to honor that. So let’s try to remember the good times we had with Diamond as he played the beloved character Screech.

To think, these are only five clips. He made so many more memories to last a lifetime. RIP Dustin Diamond. You put smiles on so many 90s kids (and others’) faces. 🙂


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